invoke, we bless Rashnu, the strong. I invoke his friendship towards this var prepared ....
XXIII. 30. Whether thou, O holy Rashnu ! art in those stars that have the seed of the earth in them ?, we invoke, we bless Rashnu, the strong. I invoke his friendship towards this var prepared .... .
XXIV. 31. Whether thou, O holy Rashnu! art in those stars that have the seed of the plants in them?, we invoke, we bless Rashnu, the strong. I invoke his friendship towards this var prepared ....
XXV. 32. “Whether thou, O holy Rashnu! art in the stars that belong to the Good Spirit?, we invoke, we bless Rashnu, the strong. I invoke his friendship towards this var prepared ....
XXVI. 33. “Whether thou, O holy Rashnu! art in the moon which has the seed of the Bull in its, we invoke, we bless Rashnu, the strong. I invoke his friendship towards this var prepared .....
for the increase of cattle; and the essence of water, and earth, and trees, and cattle is created for the increase of man' (Minokhirad XLIX, 7, tr. West).
1 See preceding note.
? Excluding the planets which belong to Ahriman (Minokhirad VIII, 19; Bund. III, 25; V, 1).
* See above, p. 8, note 8.
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