7. And therefore we take around us the holynatured Sraosha, the holy, the fiend-smiter, as one does with shepherds'dogs; therefore we sacrifice unto the holy-natured Sraosha, the holy, the fiendsmiter, with good thoughts, good words, and good deeds.
81. For his brightness and glory, for his strength and victorious power, for his offering sacrifices unto the gods ?, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard. I will offer up libations unto the holy Sraosha, unto the great Ashi Vanguhis, and unto Nairyô-sangha-, the tall-formed.
So may the holy Sraosha, the fiend-smiter, come to us for help!
9. We worship the holy Sraosha; we worship the great master, Ahura Mazda, who is supreme in holiness, who is the foremost to do deeds of holiness.
We worship all the words 6 of Zarathustra, and all the good deeds, those done and those to be done.
Yênhê hâtãm: All those beings of whom Ahura Mazda ....
II. 109. We sacrifice unto the holy, tall-formed, fiend-smiting Sraosha, who makes the world increase, the holy and master of holiness;
Who strikes the evil-doing? man, who strikes the evil-doing woman; who smites the fiendish
1 8$ 8-9=Yasna LVII, 3-4 [LVI, 1, 6–12]. * See Vend. Introd. IV, 31. . s See Yt. XVII. * See Vend. XXII, 7 [22] and Sîrôzah I, 9. 6 The words of the law. o $$ 10-13=Yasna LVII, 15-18 [LVI, 7). 7 Cf. Yt. I, 19.
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