holiness, with deeds all intent on holiness, when he is in fear either of high waters or of the darkness of a rainy night;
Or at the fords of a river, or at the branching-off of roads;
Or in the meeting together of the faithful, or the rushing together of the worshippers of the Daêvas ? ;
5. Whether on the road 2 or in the laws he has to fear, not in that day nor in that night shall the tormenting fiend, who wants to torment him, prevail to throw upon him the look of his evil eye, and the malice of the thief who carries off cattle shall not reach him.
6. Pronounce then that word, O Zarathustra ! that word to be spoken", when thou fall upon the idolaterse and thieves and Daêvas rushing together. Then the malice of the wicked worshippers of the Daêvas, of the Yatus and their followers, of the Pairikas and their followers, will be affrighted and rush away. Down are the Daêvas! Down are the Daêva-worshippers, and they take back their mouths from biting?
· Different words are used, as usual, to express the same conflict, according as it refers to the faithful or to the idolaters.
* Aipi-ayanãm: madam râs.
s Arethyanãm: dà distân (from aretha, meaning dînâ, dâdistân).
• Gadha: nrisamsa (Neriosengh); the Pahlavi has g«, a Saka, a Scythe.
The praise of Sraosha. . • Keresaska: krasî âk; cf. Neriosengh ad Yasna IX, 24 [75]; that
name was in the later periods applied to Christians, as if keresa were the name of Christ; cf. Bahman Yast II, 19; III, 2. 1 Doubtful. [23]
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