wide pastures, stand a thousand steel-hammers, twoedged, well-made. They go through the heavenly space, they fall through the heavenly space upon the skulls of the Daêvas.
131. 'On a side of the chariot of Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, stand a thousand swords, twoedged and well-made. They go through the heavenly space, they fall through the heavenly space upon the skulls of the Daêvas.
"On a side of the chariot of Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, stand a thousand maces of iron, wellmade. They go through the heavenly space, they fall through the heavenly space -upon the skulls of the Daêvas.
132. 'On a side of the chariot of Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, stands a beautiful well-falling club, with a hundred knots, a hundred edges, that rushes forward and fells men down; a club cast out of red brass, of strong, golden brass; the strongest of all weapons, the most victorious of all weapons 1. It goes through the heavenly space ?, it falls through the heavenly space upon the skulls of the Daêvas.
133. ‘After he has smitten the Daêvas, after he has smitten down the men who lied unto Mithra, Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, drives forward through Arezahê and Savahê, through Fradadhafshu and Vidadhafshu, through Vourubaresti and Vourugaresti, through this our Karshvare, the bright Hvaniratha S.
134. 'Angra Mainyu, who is all death, flees away in fear; Aêshma, the evil-doing Peshotanu, flees
Cf. Yt. X, 96.
* The text has, they go.... 8 See above, p. 123, note 5.
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