'At his left hand drives the most upright Kista ", the holy one, bearing libations in her hands, clothed with white clothes, and white herself; and the cursing thought of the Law of Mazda.
127. Close by him drives the strong cursing thought of the wise man, opposing foes in the shape of a boar, a sharp-toothed he-boar, a sharpjawed boar, that kills at one stroke, pursuing, wrathful, with a dripping face , strong and swift to run, and rushing all around 4.
'Behind him drives Atar, all in a blaze, and the awful kingly Glory.
128. 'On a side of the chariot of Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, stand a thousand bows well-made, with a string of cowgut; they go through the heavenly space, they fall through the heavenly space upon the skulls of the Daêvas.
129. 'On a side of the chariot of Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, stand a thousand vulture-feathered arrows, with a golden mouth”, with a horn shaft, with a brass tail, and well-made. They go through the heavenly space, they fall through the heavenly space upon the skulls of the Daêvas.
130. 'On a side of the chariot of Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, stand a thousand spears well-made and sharp-piercing. They go through the heavenly space, they fall through the heavenly space upon the skulls of the Daêvas.
'On a side of the chariot of Mithra, the lord of
1 See Yt. XVI. See above, p. 12, note 13. Cf. Yt. X, 70.
* Or better, rushing before (pâiri-vâza; cf. the translations of pairi-dahuyu, Yt. X, 144 and pairi-vâra, Yt. I, 19). Cf. Yt. XIV, 15.
• The Genius of Fire. See p. 95, note 1. "A golden point.
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