built up a dwelling on the Hara Berezaiti, the bright mountain around which the many (stars) revolve, where come neither night nor darkness, no cold wind and no hot wind, no deathful sickness, no uncleanness made by the Daêvas, and the clouds cannot reach up unto the Haraiti Bareza 2;
51. 'A dwelling that all the Amesha-Spentas, in one accord with the sun, made for him in the fulness of faith of a devoted heart, and he surveys the whole of the material world from the Haraiti Bareza.
52. And when there rushes a wicked worker of evil, swiftly, with a swift step, Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, goes and yokes his horses to his chariot, along with the holy, powerful Sraosha and Nairyô-sangha 3, who strikes a blow that smites the army, that.smites the strength of the malicious 4.
For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard ....
XIII. 53. 'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake;
54. Who, with hands lifted up, ever cries unto Ahura Mazda, saying: “I am the kind keeper of all creatures, I am the kind maintainer of all creatures; yet men worship me not with a sacrifice in which I am invoked by my own name, as they worship the other gods with sacrifices in which they are invoked by their own names,
55%. ""If men would' worship me with a sacrifice
Bundahis V, 3 seq.; cf. Yt. XII, 13, and Yt. X, 13. 9 The Haraiti Bareza is the same as Hara Berezaiti.
Sirôzah I, 9, notes 4 and 5. • Doubtful (mâyaos). 5 Cf. Yt. VIII, 11, 24, and Yt. X, 74.
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