men who lie unto Mithra, and, verily, by the fiendish killers of faithful men.
46. 'Helping and guarding, guarding behind and guarding in front, Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, proves an undeceivable spy and watcher for the man to whom he comes to help with all the strength of his soul, he of the ten thousand spies, the powerful, all-knowing, undeceivable god.
'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard ....
47. 'We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake;
A god of high renown and old age', whom widehoofed horses carry against havocking hosts, against enemies coming in battle array, in the strife of conflicting nations?
48. And when Mithra drives along towards the havocking hosts, towards the enemies coming in battle array, in the strife of the conflicting nations, then he binds the hands of those who have lied unto Mithra, he confounds their eye-sight, he takes the hearing from their ears; they can no longer move their feet; they can no longer withstand those people, those foes, when Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, bears them ill-will.
'For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard ....
XII. 49. We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, .... sleepless, and ever awake;
50. 'For whom the Maker, Ahura Mazda, has
1 Doubtful.
. . Cf. $ 8.
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