wide pastures, O Spitama ! I created him as worthy of sacrifice, as worthy of prayer as myself, Ahura Mazda!
2. “The ruffian who lies unto Mithra2 brings death unto the whole country, injuring as much the faithful world as a hundred evil-doers 3 could do. Break not the contract, O Spitama! neither the one that thou hadst entered into with one of the unfaithful, nor the one that thou hadst entered into with one of the faithful who is one of thy own faith 4 For Mithra stands for both the faithful and the unfaithful.
3. 'Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, gives swiftness to the horses of those who lie not unto Mithra.
Fire, the son of Ahura Mazda, gives the straightest way to those who lie not unto Mithra.
The good, strong, beneficent Fravashis of the faithful give a virtuous offspring to those who lie not unto Mithra.
4. “For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard, namely, unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures.
We offer up libations unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, who gives a happy dwelling and a good dwelling to the Aryan nations.
5. May he come to us for help! May he come to us for ease! May he come to us for joy! May he come to us for mercy! May he come to us for health! May he come to us for victory! May he
1 Cf. Yt. VIII, 50.
* The Mithradrug: one might also translate who breaks the contract,' as mithra, as a common noun, means 'a contract.'
Kayadhas; cf. Yt. I, 19. • Cf. Ardâ Viraf, chap. lii.
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