Drvâspa, made by Mazda and holy. We offer up libations to the powerful Drvâspa, made by Mazda and holy; we offer her the Haoma and meat, the baresma, the wisdom of the tongue, the holy spells, the speech, the deeds, the libations, and the rightlyspoken words.
Yênhê hâtãm: All those beings of whom Ahura Mazda ....
7. We offer up a sacrifice unto the powerful Drvâspa, made by Mazda and holy, who keeps the flocks in health .... Who yokes teams of horses .... for assistance to the faithful'.
8. To her did Yima Khshaêta, the good shepherd, offer up a sacrifice from the height Hukairya, with a hundred male horses, a thousand oxen, ten thousand lambs, and with an offering of libations:
9. 'Grant me this boon, O good, most beneficent Drvâspa! that I may bring fatness and flocks down to the world created by Mazda ; that I may bring immortality down to the world created by Mazda;
10. 'That I may take away both hunger and thirst, from the world created by Mazda; that I may take away both old age and death, from the world created by Mazda ; that I may take away both hot wind and cold wind, from the world created by Mazda, for a thousand years!'
11. The powerful Drvâspa, made by Mazda, the holy Drvâspa, the maintainer, granted him that boon,
1 As above, p. 30.
$7=$$ 1-2. $ $$ 8-10=Yt. XVII, 28-30; cf. Yasna IX, 4-5 [11-20]; Yt. V, 25-27.
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