1. 1. We sacrifice unto the powerful Drvâspa, made by Mazda and holy, who keeps the flocks in health, the herds in health, the grown-up? (cattle) in health, the young ones in health ; who watches well from afar, with a wide-spread and long-continued welfaregiving friendship;
2. Who yokes teams of horses, who makes her chariot turn and its wheels sound, fat and glistening, strong, tall-formed, weal-possessing, health-giving, powerful to stand and powerful to turn for assistance to the faithful.
3. To her did Haoshyangha, the Paradhâta ?, offer up a sacrifice on the enclosure of the Hara, the beautiful height, made by Mazda, with a hundred male horses, a thousand oxen, and ten thousand lambs, and with an offering of libations:
4. 'Grant me this boon, O good, most beneficent Drvâspa! that I may overcome all the Daêvas of Mâzana * ; that I may never fear and bow through terror before the Daêvas, but that all the Daêvas may fear and bow in spite of themselves before me, that they may fear and flee down to darkness 5.'
5. The powerful Drvâspa, made by Mazda, the holy Drvâspa, the maintainer, granted him that boon, as he was offering libations, giving gifts, sacrificing, and entreating that she would grant him that boon.
6. For her brightness and glory, I will offer her a sacrifice worth being heard; I will offer her a sacrifice well performed, namely, unto the powerful
1 Doubtful; possibly the friend in health, the child in health.' % Doubtful.
8 Cf. p. 58, note i. * Cf. p. 59, note 2.
6 To hell.
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