XIV. 45. 'We sacrifice unto Tistrya, the bright and glorious star, to whom Ahura Mazda has given a thousand senses, and who is the most beneficent amongst the stars that have in them the seed of the waters :
46. Who moves in light with the stars that have in them the seed of the waters : he, from the sea Vouru-Kasha, the powerful sea, the large-sized, deep, and salt of waters, goes to all the lakes, and to all the beautiful caves, and to all the beautiful channels 2, in the shape of a white, beautiful horse, with golden ears and a golden caparison.
47. : Then, O Spitama Zarathustra! the waters flow down from the sea Vouru-Kasha, mother-like 3, friendly, and healing: he divides them amongst these countries, being most beneficent, when he has been worshipped with a sacrifice and propitiated, rejoiced, and satisfied 4.
For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard ....
48. We sacrifice unto Tistrya, the bright and glorious star, for whom long all the creatures of SpentaMainyu, those that live under the ground, and those that live above the ground; those that live in the waters, and those that live on dry land; those that fly, and those that run in the plains 6; and all those
1 See Yt. X, 82, note. * Those of Ardvi Sura Anâhita; cf. Yt. V, 4, 101. s Cf. Yt. V, 15.
• Cf. § 43. o See Yt. XIII, 10, note; cf. Vispêrad I, I, and Bundahis XXIV, tr. West, note 1.
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