33. ‘Then the vapours push forward, in the regular shape of clouds ?; they go following the wind, along the ways which Haoma traverses, the increaser of the world a. Behind him travels the mighty wind, made by Mazda, and the rain, and the cloud, and the sleet, down to the several places, down to the fields, down to the seven Karshvares of the earth.
34. Apãm Napât 3, O Spitama Zarathustra ! divides the waters amongst the countries in the material world, in company with the mighty wind, the Glory, made by the waters“, and the Fravashis of the faithful 6.
For his brightness and glory, I will offer him a sacrifice worth being heard ..
35. "We sacrifice unto Tistrya, the bright and glorious star, who from the shining east, moves along his long winding course, along the path made by the gods, along the way appointed for him the
Adharmazd acquire health from it, and it dispels the dryness of the atmosphere' (ibid. XIII, 5).
1 Doubtful.
? Haoma opens the way for the waters from heaven, as being the foremost element in sacrifice (cf. § 24). For the same reason the Bundahis numbers Vohu-Manô, 'Good Mind,' amongst the cooperators of Tistrya.
s See p. 6, note 1.
4 Or better, 'seated in the waters ;' see Yt. XIX, 56 seq. and Yt. XIII, 65.
5 The Fravashis are active in the world struggle; cf. Yt. XIII, 43. "Co-operators with Tîstar were Vohuman and the angel
Hôm, with the assistance of the angel Burg (the same as Apãm · Napât; see p. 94, note 2) and the righteous guardian spirits in
orderly arrangement' (Bundahis VII, 3, tr. West).
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