bright and glorious Tistrya. “Hail unto me, О Ahura Mazda! Hail unto you, O waters and plants ! Hail, O Law of the worshippers of Mazda! Hail will it be unto you, O lands! The life of the waters will flow down unrestrained to the big-seeded a cornfields, to the small-seeded: pasture-fields, and to the whole of the material world !”.
30. •Then the bright and glorious Tistrya goes back down to the sea Vouru-Kasha, in the shape of a white, beautiful horse, with golden ears and a golden caparison 4.
31. 'He makes the sea boil up and down; he makes the sea stream this and that way; he makes the sea flow this and that way: all the shores of the sea Vouru-Kasha are boiling over, all the middle of it is boiling over.
32. ‘And the bright and glorious Tistrya rises up from the sea Vouru-Kasha, O Spitama Zarathustra ! the bright and glorious Satavaêsa rises up from the sea Vouru-Kasha; and vapours rise up above Mount Us-hindu, that stands in the middle of the sea Vouru-Kasha 6
* Adhavô; possibly the streams ;' cf. Yt. V, 1, note 2. A month in the ancient Persian calendar, supposed to correspond to September-October, was called âdukani, which might, on that hypothesis, mean '(the month) that makes streams spring up.'
? Of which the representative is wheat (Bundahis XXIV, 19). s Of which the representative is the summer vetch (ibid. 21). - Cf. § 18.
8 The Aůsindôm mountain is that which, being of ruby, of the substance of the sky, is in the midst of the wide-formed ocean (the sea Vouru-Kasha),' (Bund. XII, 6; tr. West). Mount Aûsindôm receives its waters through a golden channel from the height Hukairya (cf. Yt. V, 3); from there one portion flows forth to the ocean for the purification of the sea, and one portion drizzles in moisture upon the whole of this earth, and all the creations of
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