"" Let no one drink of these my libations who is hump-backed or bulged forward; no fiend with decayed teeth?.”
94. "Then Zarathustra asked Ardvi Sûra Anahita: "O Ardvi Sara Anâhita! What becomes of those libations which the wicked worshippers of the Daêvas bring unto thee after the sun has set??"
95. 'Ardvi Sara Anâhita answered: "O pure, holy Spitama Zarathustra ! howling, clapping, hopping, and shouting 3, six hundred and a thousand Daêvas, who ought not to receive that sacrifice 4, receive those libations that men bring unto me after [the sun has set]o.”
96. 'I will worship the height Hukairya, of the deep precipices ?, made of gold, wherefrom this mine Ardvi Sara Anâhita leaps, from a hundred times the height of a mano, while she is possessed of as much Glory as the whole of the waters that run along the earth, and she runs powerfully ..
"For her brightness and glory, I will offer her a sacrifice ....
XXII. 97. Offer up a sacrifice, O Spitama Zarathustra l unto this spring of mine, Ardvi Sûra Anâhita ....
98. Before whom the worshippers of Mazda
1 Cf. Vend. II, 29. 2 Cf. Vend. VII, 79 and note 2; cf. above, $ 91.
$ For joy. The translations of those several words are not certain. • Doubtful.
• Perhaps, those cups (yamau). Filled up from $ 94. ? The text here has vîspô-vah mem,' worthy of all prayer;' the reading vispô-vaêmem from Yt. XII, 24 seems to be better. 8 Cf. $$ 102, 121.
• Cf. $$ 4, 102, 121.
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