YASTS AND Sîrôzahs.
XV. 56. 'Offer up a sacrifice, O Spitama Zarathustra l unto this spring of mine, Ardvi Sûra Anâhita ....
57. "To her did the gallant sons of Vaêsaka offer up a sacrifice in the castle Khshathrô-saoka, that stands high up on the lofty, holy Kangha, with a hundred male horses, a thousand oxen, ten thousand lambs.
58. “They begged of her a boon, saying: “Grant us this, O good, most beneficent Ardvi Sūra Anahita! that we may overcome the valiant warrior Tusa, and that we may smite of the Aryan people their fifties and their hundreds, their hundreds and their thousands, their thousands and their tens of thousands, their tens of thousands and their myriads of myriads ?."
59. ‘Ardvi Sûra Anâhita did not grant them that boon.
For her brightness and glory, I will offer her a sacrifice ....
XVI. 60. Offer up a sacrifice, O Spitama Zarathustra l unto this spring of mine, Ardvi Sûra Anâhita ....
61. ‘The old ? Vafra Navâza worshipped her, when the strong fiend-smiter, Thraêtaona, flung him up in the air in the shape of a bird, of a vulture 3.
i Cf. $$ 53-54.
* Doubtful (pourvô); perhaps the man of the primitive faith' (the paoiryô-tkaêsha; cf. Yt. XIII, o, note): the sacrifice he offers is quite a Zoroastrian one (cf. $$ 17, 104, and note 2 to the latter).
'An allusion is made here to a myth, belonging to the Thraêtaona cyclus, of which no other trace is found in the Avesta (except in Yt. XXIII, 4). It referred most likely to the time when
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