a sacrifice worth being heard; I will offer up unto the holy Ardvi Sûra Anâhita a good sacrifice with an offering of libations ;-thus mayest thou advise us when thou art appealed to! Mayest thou be most fully worshipped, O Ardvi Sûra Anâhita ! with the Haoma and meat, with the baresma, with the wisdom of the tongue, with the holy spells, with the words, with the deeds, with the libations, and with the rightly-spoken words..
*Yênhê hâtãm?: All those beings of whom Ahura Mazda ....
10. 'Offer up a sacrifice, Spitama Zarathustral unto this spring of mine, Ardvi Sûra Anâhita, the wide-expanding and health-giving, who hates the Daêvas and obeys the laws of Ahura, who is worthy of sacrifice in the material world, worthy of prayer in the material world; the life-increasing and holy, the herd-increasing and holy, the fold-increasing and holy, the wealth-increasing and holy, the country-increasing and holyo;
11. Who drives forwards on her chariot, holding the reins of the chariot. She goes, driving, on this chariot, longing for men and thinking thus in her heart: “Who will praise me? Who will offer me a sacrifice, with libations cleanly prepared and wellstrained, together with the Haoma and meat ? To whom shall I cleave, who cleaves unto me, and thinks with me, and bestows gifts upon me, and is of good will unto me?"
'For her brightness and glory, I will offer her a sacrifice, worth being heard ....
As above, p. 30; $ 9 is repeated at the end of every chapter. ? $ 10=ş 2.
3 Viz. for their worshipping ; cf. Yasna XXIII, 2 [5], paitismarenti=Phl. hûmîtînît, they hope, they expect. Cf. § 123.
4 As above, § 9.
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