thinking, the tongue for speaking, the hand for working, the foot for walking, these which make life comfortable, these which are developments in creating, these which are to join the body, these which are to be considered perfected, are urged on by him continuously, and the means of industry of the original body are arranged advisedly. 10. And by proper regulation, and the recompense of good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, he announced and adorned conspicuous, patient, and virtuous conduct; and that procurer of the indispensable did not forget to keep men in his own true service and proper bounds, the supreme sovereignty of the creator.
11. And man became a pure glorifier and pure praiser of that all-good friend, through the progress which is his wish. 12. Because pure friendship is owing to sure meditation on every virtue, and from its existence no harm whatever arose; pure glorifying is owing to glorifying every goodness, and from its existence no vileness whatever arose; and pure praising is owing to all prosperity, and from its existence no distress whatever arose. 13. And pronouncing the benedictions he is steadfast in the same pure friendship, just glorifying, and expressive praising, which are performed even as though Vohûman were kept lodging in the thoughts, Srôsh in the words, and Ard in the actions? 14. That, moreover, which is owing to the lodgment of Vohûman in the thoughts is virtu
1 These three angels are personifications of the Avesta terms vohu-manô, good thought,' sraosha, 'listening, obedience,' and areta, righteous. The coming of Vohûman ("the good spirit' of $17) and of Srôsh is mentioned in the Gathas (Yas. XLIII, 16, cd).
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