the setthi, the householder, and that when it had penetrated to the brain, the setthi, the householder, would die. Those doctors have seen it quite rightly. And the doctors who said, " On the seventh day the setthi, the householder, will die," have seen this small worm, and how it would penetrate on the seventh day to the brain of the setthi, the householder, and that when it had penetrated to the brain, the setthi, the householder, would die. Those doctors have seen it quite rightly.' (Speaking thus) he closed up the sides of the wound, stitched up the skin on the head, and anointed it with salve.
19. And when seven days had elapsed, the setthi, the householder, said to Givaka Komârabhakka : *I am not able, doctor, to lie down on one side for seven months.'
'Did you not tell me, my good householder: “I shall be able, doctor, to lie down on one side for seven months?")
* It is true, doctor, I told you so indeed, but I shall die (if I do); I cannot lie down on one side for seven months.'
Well, my good householder, then you must lie down on the other side for seven months.'
And when seven days had elapsed, the setthi, the householder, said to Givaka Komârabhakka : 'I am not able, doctor, to lie down on the other side for seven months. ..
Did you not tell me, &c.' • It is true, doctor, I told you so indeed, &c.'
Well, my good householder, then you must lie down on your back for seven months.
And when seven days had elapsed, the setthi, the householder, said to Givaka Komârabhakka : 'I am
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