VI, 14, 2.
of oil with strong drink in them, as wherein neither the colour, nor the smell, nor the taste of the strong drink shall be sensible.'
2. Now at that time the Bhikkhus had a quantity of decoction in which too much strong drink had been put. Then those Bhikkhus thought : What shall we do with this oil, which has too much strong drink in it?'
"I allow, O Bhikkhus, to use it as an ointment.'
Now at that time the venerable Pilindavakkha had a quantity of oil-decoction ; but he had no vessel for it.
I allow you, O Bhikkhus, the use of three kinds of pots, bronze pots, wooden pots, pots made of the shells of fruits?!
3. Now at that time the venerable Pilindavakkha had rheumatism.
*I allow you, O Bhikkhus, to bring on sweating?' (The disease) became no better. 'I allow you, O Bhikkhus, to bring on sweating by the use of herbs which have that effect 3'
(The disease) became no better.
'I allow you, O Bhikkhus, the use of a great steam bath'
(The disease) became no better.
Compare VI, 12, 1.
? Perhaps fumigations. : Sambhâra-sedan ti nânâvidha-panna-bhanga-sedam (B.). Apparently a poultice or fomentation in which various kinds of leaves or twigs are used.
- Mahâsedan ti mahantam sedam: porisa-ppamânam âvâtam angârânam pûretva, pamsu-vâlikâdîhi pidahitvå, tattha nânâvidhani vâta-harana-pannâni santharitvå tela-makkhitena gattena tattha nipaggitvå samparivattantena sarîram sedetum anugânâmîti attho (B.). A pit, six feet deep, is filled with charcoal, and covered with a coating of earth or sand. The leaves good for rheumatism are spread
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