and with more provision for the creatures ?. 3. And with the manifestation of knowledge the best duty is that which exists in lawfully practising procreation, and the complete progression of righteous men arose therefrom.
4. In like manner he who is the omniscient creator formed mankind in the first pair, who were brother and sister, and became Mashyâih and Mashyâyoth, and all races of material life exist by means of acquiring sons and his omnisciently causing procreation. 5. The man and woman were also made to lust (gaminido) by him, and thereby became the father and mother of material men; and he naturalized among primitive man the qualities of a desire (alūda no) for acquiring sons together through glorifying. 6. And the law and religion authorised it as a proper wish, so long as they proceed from those who are their own relations, not from those who are not their own; and with those whom nextof-kin marriages, original duties, and desires for other sons have formed, complete progress in the world is connected, and even unto the time of the renovation of the universe", it is to arise therefrom. 7. And the birth of many glorious practisers of the religion, those confident in spirit, organizers of the realm, arrangers of the country, and even accom
1 Reading val-dam-nivâris noihâtar; the syllables -atar being written separately M14 has val dâm-nîvârisnih aîyyad. tar, more remembering the provision for the creatures.' Promoting the increase of, and providing maintenance for, good creatures are considered to be important good works.
9 Here written Mashya and Mashyâyadih, but see Chaps. XXXVII, 82, LXIV, 2. * See Chap. LXV.
• See Chap. II, 8. (18]
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