62. The learned high-priests who were founders (pâyinikano) of the religion knew it (the evidence), and those portions of it were transmitted by them to the ancients which the successive realisers of it, for the ages before me (levinam), have possessed. 63. The deceivers of the transmitters, who have existed at various times, even among those who are blessed?, have remained a mass of knowledge for me, by being my reminder of the mature and proper duty of those truly wise (ha-kiragâniko), through the directions issuable by even worldly decision, and of so many of which I have a remembrance 3, for the writing of which there would be no end. 64. Then the manifest power of the fiend among us below, and the way provided by the creator for his becoming invisible and his impotence are clear ; so also the full power of the creator of the army of angels, assuredly the procurers of success in the end, and the accomplishment all-powerfully—which is his own advantage of the completely-happy progress, for ever, of all creations which are his creatures, are thereby visible and manifest; and many tokens and signs thereof are manifestly clear.
65. One is this, that the creator is in his own predestined (bagdadako) abode, and the fiend is
1 The unorthodox, or those holding erroneous views regarding the traditions handed down by them.
Reading afrînido, which K 35 has converted into afgônêdo, 'casts,' by inverting the order of the two central characters.
* M14 and J omit the words from through' to remembrance.' The author means that he has acquired much information on the subject even from the opinions of the unorthodox judiciously studied.
* M14 has merely the words: and the completely-has py progress,' &c.
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