but with unbecoming hatred, lawless manner!, envy, and spears exposing the body?, undesirably struggle together—a perplexing contention of troublersabout the destruction of the luminaries. 58. The army of angels, judiciously and leisurely fighting for the good creatures of the sacred beings, not with premature hatred and forward spears (pês-nizahih), but by keeping harm away from themselves—the champions' customary mode 3 of wounding-valiantly, strongly, properly, and completely triumphantly struggle for a victory triumphantly fought. 59. For Aharman the demons are procurers (vashikâ no) of success in the contests till the end, when the fiend becomes invisible and the creatures become pure.
60. Since worldly beings observe, explain, and declare among worldly beings the work of the spirits and knowledge of customs (ristako), by true observation, through wisdom, that that life (zik) is proper when it is in the similitude of the true power of wisdom, and the visible life is undiscerning of that which is to come and that which is provided, so also the evidence of a knowledge of the end of the contention is certain and clearly visible. 61. And tokens are discernible and signs apparent which, to the wisdom of the ancients-if it extended, indeed, to a knowledge about this pre-eminent subject - were hidden by the fiends, who are concealers of them from the perception (hazisno) of worldly beings, and also from their coming to the perception of worldly beings.
1 Reading an-âyin gun, but this is uncertain.
* Reading kihar-tan û nîzah; the last word is usually spelt nizak, but occurs in $ 58 in the same form as here.
* Reading nivikan mank gün, but this is uncertain.
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