matter has become mixed up, inasmuch as the putrid Vritra flowed into it. This he now removes from it by means of these two strainers; whereupon he sprinkles with the sacrificially) pure water. This is the reason why he strains it through them.
6. He strains it, with the text (Vág. S. I, 12 b): By the impulse of Savitri I purify thee with this flawless purifier (or ventilator, pavitra), with the rays of the sun!' For Savitri is the impeller (prasavitri) of the gods, so that he strains this (water) as one impelled by Savitri. With this flawless purifier (ventilator, pavitra),' he says, because this (wind) which here ventilates (or purifies, pavate) is a flawless purifier. · With the rays of the sun,' he says, because they, the rays of the sun, are certainly purifying; and for this reason he says, 'With the rays of the sun.'
7. Having taken it (the water with the ladle) in his left hand, he makes it spirt upwards with his right hand, and eulogises and glorifies it, with the text (Våg. S. I, 12 c): 'Shining (or divine) waters ! ye the first-going, the first-drinking ones!' For the waters are shining; and for this reason he says,
Shining waters !' 'First-going,' he calls them, because they flow towards the sea and are therefore going in front (or forwards). “First-drinking,' he calls them, because they are the first that drink of king Soma? and are therefore drinking first.' And further : Forward now lead this sacrifices,
i Agrepuvah; Mahîdhara allows to it the alternative meaning first-purifying.'
: Because, for the sake of extracting the juice from the Somaplants, water is poured on them, so that the water drinks of the juice before the gods do.' Sây.
8 1.e. carry the sacrifice through without hindrance.' Mahîdh.
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