transmission of the science of the Adhvaryus is traced—as far as human agency is concerned-from Kasyapa Naidhruvi, through nine teachers, to Yagñavalkya, and thence, through four other teachers, to Sâmgivi-putra?. The only name which this list has in common with the former one, previous to Sâmgivi-putra, is that of Kusri. According to the former list, he was the teacher of Sândilya, who, in his turn, taught Vâtsya?. But since in the same book (X, 5, 5, 1) he is referred to as Vâgasravasa, and in the list at the end of the Satapatha he is set down as the pupil of Vâgasravas, the same teacher is evidently referred to in both lists; and if we can at all rely on the authenticity of these vamsas, we should have to infer from this coincidence, that there was already some connection between the two schools prior to both Yagñavalkya and Sandilya.
The two lines of teachers meet once more in the name of Samgivi-putra. In the later list the succession of teachers
'I here give, side by side, the lists, in inverted order, from Sâmgivi-putra upwards. For the complete lists, see Max Müller, History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, p. 438 seq. End of Book XIV.
End of Book X. 38. Âditya.
(52) Brahman Svayambhu. 57. Ambini. 56. Våk.
(51) Pragâpati. 55. Kasyapa Naidhruvi. 54. Silpa Kasyapa.
(50) Tura Kåvasheya. 53. Harita Kasyapa. 52. Asita Vârshagana. 51. Gihvavat Badhyoga.
(49) Yagnavakas Ragastambayana. 50. Vågastavas. 49. Kusri.
(48) Kusri. 48. Upavesi.
(47) Sândilya. 47. Aruna.
(46) Vâtsya. 46. Uddalaka (Åruneya).
(45) Vamakakshayana. 45. Yågnavalkya (Vagasaneya). 44. Åsuri.
(44) Mâhitthi. 43. Asurayara.
(43) Kautsa. 42. Prâsnf-putra (Åsurivasin). (42) Mândavya. 41. Kârsakeyf-putra.
(41) Mandukayani. 40. Samgivi-putra.
(40) Sâmgivi-putra. Follow 39 names formed by the addition (Same as elsewhere.)
of putra' to the mother's name. • In the Brihad-aranyaka (Kanva) VI, 5, 4 the order is Kusri, Vatsya, Sandilya.
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