Idealists, European and Buddhist,
Ikkbagala, in Kosala, 167. Incarnation of the Buddha, 46, 47. Infinite feelings, the four, incumbent on the Buddhist, 201, 273. Isigili, Mount at Râgagaha, 56.
Kâkudha, convert at Nâdika, 16, 25. Kakutthâ river, 74. Kakkâyana, one of the Six Teachers, 106. Kalandaka-nivâpa, 56.
Kâlinga, convert at Nâdika, 25,
Kalpa, an æon, 41. Kâlâsoka, xvi.
Karma, 84, 165, 214, 217, 271. Kassapa. See Purana-Kassapa and Mahâ- Kassapa.
- a Vedic poet, 172. Karissabha, convert at Nâdika, 25,
Koliyas of Râmagâma, a clan, 132. Konika Agâtasattu, 1. Kosambi, a great city, 99. Kotigâma, near Patna, 23. Kunika - Agâtasattu, I. Kusâvatî, former name of Kusinârâ, 100, 248.
Kusinârâ, where the Buddha died,
73, 100, 248.
Kûrâgâra Hall at Vesâli, 59.
Kakkavatti, ideal of, xviii-xx. Kampâ, a city, 99. Kandragupta, xix.
Kanki, a Brahman of Kosala, 167. Kâpâla Ketiya, 40, 58. Khandava Brâhmans, 171. Khandoka Brâhmans, 171. Khanna, the penalty imposed upon,
attains Nirvâna, 113. Kunda, the smith, of Pâvâ, 70-73, 83, 84.
Kundaka, a mendicant, 82, 83.
Lalita Vistara, quoted, 47, 75, 139, 209, 216, 218, 251.
Life, future, virtue inspired by hope of is impure, 10, 222. Light of the world, 89. Likkbavis, of Vesâli, 31, 131. Lineage of the Buddhist faith, 14. Love, duty of universal, 163.
Love, the true path to union with God, 161.
-how a Buddhist should love the world, 201, 273.
Maddakukkbi at Râgagaha, 56. Mahâ-Kassapa, the great disciple, 126-129.
Mahapadesâ, the four, 66-69. Mahâvana, at Vesâli, 59, 60. Makkhali, one of the Six Teachers, 106.
Makura-bandhana, shrine of the Mallas, 124.
Mâlâlankâra-vatthu, the, xvi, xxxii. Mallas of Kusinârâ, 121-135.
of Pâvâ, 133, 135.
Manasâkata, in Kosala, 167, 168. Mandârava flowers from heaven, 1 24. Mâra, 41, 53.
Max Müller, Professor, 105, 180, 246. Milinda, king, xlviii. Mindful and thoughtful, doctrine of, 29, 38.
Mirror of Truth, the so-called, 27. Monotheism, 164. Moriyas of Pipphalavana, a clan, 134,
Morris, Dr. Richard, 29, 221, 293. Muhammadanism, 163.
Nâdika, near Patna, 24. Nâga Thera, 46. Nâgas, the race of, 135, 136. Nâlandâ, near Râgagaha, 12. Names (family, tribal, &c.), I. Nanda, king of Magadha, xix. Nature of things, doctrine of, 59. Nerangara, river, 53. Nigantha, founder of the Gains, 106. Nikata, convert at Nâdika, 25, 26. Nirvâna, the Brethren not to be satisfied till they have attained,
-perception of, due to earnest thought, 9.
attainment of, dependent on oneself, 38.
consists of the seven jewels of the Law, 62.
is the rooting out of lust, bitterness, and delusion, 84.
the Supreme Goal of the higher life, 110.
- how the gods can attain to it, 163.
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