Buddhas, past and future, 13, 97,
description of character of, 186. Buddhism, ancient summary of, 62,
63. - another, 65.
central doctrine of, 143, 144. Buddhist era, date of, xlv-xlviii. Buddhists, modern sects of, 129. Bulis of Allakappa, a clan, 132. Burial rites, xl-xlv, 92. Burnouf, Eugène, 50, 65, 75, 167.
Cats, 14.
Causation, chain of, 208. Cave dwellings, 56. Chetiyas, 4, 66. See Ketiya. -the seven at Vesâli, 40, 58. Chinese works on the Great Decease, xxxvi-xxxix.
Christianity, is it indebted to Buddhism? 165, 166. Clans, customs of, 3, 4. Cloth of gold, 80-82. of Benâres, 92.
Conditions of the welfare of a community, 6-11.
-the Four Noble, 64, 65. Confections (Samkhârâ), 242, 243. Council of Ragagaha, xii, xiii, xv. - of Patna, xiii.
of Vesâli, xvii, xix. Cremation ceremonies, xl. Cunningham, General, 47, 263.
Da Cunha, Mr., 140. Da Silva, the Rev. David, 211, 293. Dâgaba, or tope, 93, 131-135. Dâgabas, date of earliest, xvii. Dawn, as the Woman-Treasure of the King of Glory, 257. Deliverance, eight stages of, 51, 52. Delusion. See Ditthi. Destiny, result of actions, 25, 26. Devatâ, note on meaning of, 45. Dhamma, 62, 64, 117, 118. Dhamma-kakkhu, 82, 96, 119, 127,
153. Dibba-kakkhu, 209, 218. Dîpavamsa, xxii. Dittbi. See Âsava. -six kinds of, in detail, 297. Divinations condemned, 196. Dona, a Brâhman, 133, 134.
Earth rests on water, 45.
Earthquake, occurrence of, 44. eight causes of, 45-48. Elephant look, curious belief as to, 64.
Era, date of the Buddhist, xlv-xlviii. Esoteric doctrine, none in Buddhism, 36.
Existence, cause of renewed, 6. Eye, epithet of the Buddha, 84. Eye of Truth. See Dhamma-kakkhu.
Fairies of the earth, 18, 19, 45. Faith, reason, and works, 11. Fa Kheu Pi Hu, a Chinese work, 117.
Fausböll, Professor, 100. Feer, M. Léon, 139, 140. Fetters, the ten, 222, 307. -the first three, 299.
Final perseverance of the saints, 26, 27, 114.
Fortune-telling, 197, 199. Foucaux, M., 139. Funeral ceremonies, xl-xlv.
Gahani, curious belief as to, 260. Gahapati, pater familias, 257, 258. Games of chance and skill, 193. Gandhâra, a city, 135.
Gods, good men so called, 20, 21. Gogerly, the Rev. Samuel, 139, 144, 150, 260.
Gotama, name of the Buddha, 103, 104, 169. Gotama's gate, 21.
own teaching, xx-xxii. Gotamaka Ketiya, 40.
Great Decease, meaning of, xxxii. Grimblot's 'Sept Suttas Pâlis,' 50.
Gains (and see Nigantba), 1. Gambugâma, near Vesâlí, 66. Gânussoni, a Brâhman, 167. Gbana, II5, 2I0, 212,
the four, in detail, 272.
Hardy, the Rev. Spence, 129, 142, 149. Hatthi-gâma, near Vesâli, 66. Hell, corresponding belief to, among the Buddhists, 17. Hindrances, the five, 182. Huth's 'Life of Buckle,' quoted,
Iddhi, 2, 40, 259.
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