with the ten cries; that is to say, the noise of elephants, and the noise of horses, and the noise of chariots; the sounds of the drum, of the tabor, and of the lute; the sound of singing, and the sounds of the cymbal and of the gong; and lastly, with the cry, “Eat, drink, and be merry'!"
4. •The royal city Kusâvati, Ânanda, was surrounded by Seven Ramparts. Of these, one rampart was of gold, and one of silver, and one of beryl, and one of crystal, and one of agate, and one of coral, and one of all kinds of gems !'
1 This enumeration is found also at Gâtaka, p. 3, only that the chank is added there-wrongly, for that makes the number of cries eleven.
i Beryl, agate, and coral are doubtful renderings of Pali names of precious substances, the exact meaning of which has been discussed on the very slender evidence available (and hence, it seems to me, with very little certain result) by Burnouf in the 'Lotus de la Bonne Loi,' pp. 319-321; and Professor Max Müller has a further note in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1880, p. 178. The Pali words here are in the first column: 1. Sovannamayo,
Suvarnasya; 2. Rūpimayo,
Rûpasya; 3. Veluriyamayo,
Vaidaryasya; 4. Phalikamayo,
Sphatikasya ; 5. Lohitankamayo,
Lohitamuktasya; 6. Masaragallamayo,
Asmagarbhasya; 7. Sabbaratanamayo,
Musâragalvasya : those in the second being taken from the Sukhavatîvyûha in the passage corresponding to § 6 below. It is quite possible that the writers of these passages used the rarer words only as names of precious substances, without attaching any clearly distinct meaning to each (compare Rev. xxi. 19-21). The Pâli author seems to have been hard put to it to find enough names to fill up the sacred number seven ; just as in the Seven Jewels' of the Dhamma, the sacred number seven is reached by giving to one jewel two distinct names (Pank' indriyâni=pañka balâ ni). At Kulla Vagga IX, 1, 4 we find the following enumeration of
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