friend! this most beautiful woman in all the land, whom you so love and long for, do you know what the name of that most beautiful woman is, or what is her family name, whether she be tall or short, dark or of medium complexion, black or fair, or in what village or town or city she dwells ?”
But when so asked he should answer"No."
And then people should say to him, “So then, good friend, whom you know not, neither have seen, her do you love and long for?”
And then when so asked he should answer “ Yes."
Now what think you, Vâsettha ? Would it not turn out, that being so, that the talk of that man was foolish talk?'
'In sooth, Gotama, it would turn out, that being so, that the talk of that man was foolish talk !'
20. 'And just even so, Vâsettha, though you say that the Brâhmans [are not able to point out the way to union with that which they have seen], and you further say that [neither any one of them, nor of their pupils, nor of their predecessors even to the seventh generation has ever seen Brahmâ]. And you further say that even the Rishis of old, (whose words they hold in such deep respect, did not pretend to know, or to have seen where, or whence, or whither Brahmâ is. Yet these Brâhmans versed in the Three Vedas say, forsooth, that they can point out the way to union with that which they know not, neither have seen!] Now what think you, Vasettha ? Does it not follow that, this being so, the talk of the Brâhmans, versed though they be in the Three Vedas, is foolish talk ?'
In sooth, Gotama, that being so, it follows that
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