Wherein, then, O Vâsettha, is there a strife, a dispute, a difference of opinion between you ??'.
10. Concerning the true path and the false, Gotama. Various Brâhmans, Gotama, teach various paths — the Addhariya Brâhmans, the Tittiriya Brâhmans, the Khandoka Brâhmans, the Khandava Brâhmans, the Brahmakariya Brâhmans 2. Are all those saving paths ? Are they all paths which will lead him, who acts according to them, into a state of union with Brahmâ ?
'Just, Gotama, as near a village or a town there are many and various paths 3, yet they all meet together in the village-just in that way are all the various paths taught by various Brâhmans—the Addhariya Brâhmans, the Tittiriya Brâhmans, the Khandoka Brâhmans, the Khandava Brâhmans, the Brahmakariya Brâhmans. Are all these saving paths ? Are they all paths which will lead him, who acts according to them, into a state of union with Brahmâ ?'
11. 'Do you say that they all lead aright, Vâsettha?' 'I say so, Gotama.'
Do you really say that they all lead aright, Vâsettha ?'
So I say, Gotama.'
This is either mildly sarcastic—as much as to say, that is six to one, and half a dozen to the other'-or is intended to lead on Vasettha to confess still more directly the fact that the different theologians held inconsistent opinions.
? P. here Atthariyâ, but below Addhariyâ (Sans. Adhvaryu); D. Titittiriya, T. Tattiriya, P. apparently Titthiriya (Sans. Taittirîya): D. Khandava, T. P. omit (? Sans. Khândasa); all three MSS. Khandoka (Sans. Khandoga); P. Bavhadigâ here and below Kavhadigâ for Brahmakariyâ(? Sans. Brahmakârî). See Lotus,' p. 493.
Maggâni, which is noteworthy as a curious change of gender.
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