And when they had come there, they exchanged with the Blessed One the greetings and compliments of friendship and civility, and sat down beside him.
And while they were thus seated the young Brâhman Vâsettha said to the Blessed One:
'As we, Gotama, were taking exercise and walking up and down, there sprung up a conversation between us on which was the true path and which the false. I said thus:
““This is the straight path, this the direct way which leads him, who acts according to it, into a state of union with Brahma-I mean that which has been announced by the Brâhman Pokkarasâti.”
Bhâradvâga said thus : ““This is the straight path, this the direct way which leads him, who acts according to it, into a state of union with Brahmâ—I mean that which has been announced by the Brâhman Târukkha."
Regarding this matter, Gotama, there is a strife, a dispute, a difference of opinion between us.'
9. 'So you say, Vasettha, that you said thus:
““This is the straight path, this the direct way which leads him, who acts according to it, into a state of union with Brahmâ—I mean that which has been announced by the Brâhman Pokkarasâti.”
While Bhâradvâga said thus: "" This is the straight path, this the direct way which leads him, who acts according to it, into a state of union with Brahma-I mean that which has been announced by the Brâhman Târukkha.”
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