1. Right Views; free from superstition or delusion. 2. Right Aims; high, and worthy of the intelligent,
earnest man. 3. Right Speech; kindly, open, truthful. 4. Right Conduct; peaceful, honest, pure. 5. Right Livelihood; bringing hurt or danger to no
living thing. 6. Right Effort; in self-training, and in self-control. 7. Right Mindfulness; the active, watchful mind. 8. Right Contemplation; earnest thought on the
deep mysteries of life. It is interesting to notice that Gogerly, who first rendered sam mâ throughout by correct', afterwards adopted the other method 2 ; and as these eight divisions of the perfect life are of such vital importance for a correct understanding of what Buddhism really was, I here add in parallel columns his two versions of the terms used :
1. Correct views (of truth). Correct doctrines. 2. Correct thoughts. A clear perception (of their
nature). 3. Correct words.
Inflexible veracity. 4. Correct conduct. Purity of conduct. 5. Correct (mode of obtain- A sinless occupation.
ing a) livelihood. 6. Correct efforts.
Perseverance in duty. 7. Correct meditation. Holy meditation. 8. Correct tranquillity. Mental tranquillity. The varying expressions in these two lists are intended in all cases, (except perhaps the second,) to convey the same idea. The second division (samma-sankappo) is not really open to any doubt. Sankappo is will, volition, determination, desire; that exertion of the will in the various affairs of life which results from the feeling that a certain result will be desirable. The only variation in the meaning is that sometimes more stress is laid upon the implied exertion of the will, sometimes more stress upon the implied desire
Journal of the Ceylon Asiatic Society, 1845.
* Ibid. 1865.
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