maidens and their wives, being grieved and sad and afflicted at heart, went to the Sâla Grove of the Mallas, to the Upavattana, and to the place where the venerable Ananda was.
49. Then the venerable Ânanda thought: 'If I allow the Mallas of Kusinârâ, one by one, to pay their respects to the Blessed One, the whole of the Mallas of Kusinârâ will not have been presented to the Blessed One until this night brightens up into the dawn. Let me, now, cause the Mallas of Kusinârâ to stand in groups, each family in a group, and so present them to the Blessed One, saying, “Lord! a Malla of such and such a name, with his children, his wives, his retinue, and his friends, humbly bows down at the feet of the Blessed One.”'
50. And the venerable Ananda caused the Mallas of Kusinârâ to stand in groups, each family in a group, and so presented them to the Blessed One, and said : ‘Lord! a Malla of such and such a name, with his children, his wives, his retinue, and his friends, humbly bows down at the feet of the Blessed One.'
51. And after this manner the venerable Ananda presented all the Mallas of Kusinârâ to the Blessed One in the first watch of the night.
52. Now at that time a mendicant named Subhadda, who was not a believer, was dwelling at Kusinârâ. And the mendicant Subhadda heard the news : 'This very day, they say, in the third watch of the night, will take place the final passing away of the Samana Gotama.'
53. Then thought the mendicant Subhadda : *This have I heard from fellow mendicants of mine, old and well stricken in years, teachers and
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