46. Now at that time the Mallas of Kusinârâ were assembled in the council hall on some public affair 1.
And the venerable Ananda went to the council hall of the Mallas of Kusinârâ; and when he had arrived there, he informed them, saying, “This day, O Vâsetthas, in the last watch of the night, the final passing away of the Tathậgata will take place. Be favourable herein, O Vâsetthas, be favourable. Give no occasion to reproach yourselves hereafter, saying, “In our own village did the death of our Tathâgata take place, and we took not the opportunity of visiting the Tathâgata in his last hours.”'
47. And when they had heard this saying of the venerable Ânanda, the Mallas with their young men and maidens and their wives were grieved, and sad, and afflicted at heart. And some of them wept, dishevelling their hair, and stretched forth their arms and wept, fell prostrate on the ground, and rolled to and fro in anguish at the thought : "Too soon will the Blessed One die! Too soon will the Happy One pass away! Full soon will the Light of the world vanish away!'
48. Then the Mallas, with their young men and
idea involved, though of course one (at least) of the under-cloths had been put on long before. See p. 122. A Thera never goes about in public alone, he is always accompanied by a Sâmanera.
i Kenakid eva karanîyena. Professor Pischel, in his edition of the Assalâyana Sutta (p. I), prints this expression kena ki devakaranîyena, and translates, it (p. 28), 'for some religious purposes.' It seems to me that he has been misled by the commentary, which really presupposes the more correct division adopted by Childers.
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