55. And the Blessed One laid himself down on his right side, with one foot resting on the other; and calm and self-possessed, he meditated on the idea of rising up again in due time. And the venerable Kundaka seated himself there in front of the Blessed One. 56. The Buddha to Kakutthâ's river came,
Whose clear and pleasant waters limpid flow, He plunged beneath the stream wearied and
worn, The Buddha without equal in the world! When he had bathed and drunk, the teacher
then Crossed o'er, the brethren thronging round
his steps; The Blessed Master, preaching the while the
truth, The Mighty Sage came to the Mango Grove, There spake he to the brother Kundaka : 'Spread me the fourfold robe out as a couch.' Cheered by the Holy One, he quickly spread The fourfold robe in order on the ground. The Master laid him down, wearied and worn; And there, before him, Kunda took his seat.
57. And the Blessed One addressed the venerable Ânanda, and said: “Now it may happen, Ânanda, that some one should stir up remorse in Kunda the smith, by saying, “ This is evil to thee, Kunda, and loss to thee in that when the Tathâgata had eaten his last meal from thy provision, then he died.” Any such remorse, Ananda, in Kunda the smith should be checked by saying, “ This is good to thee, Kunda, and gain to thee, in that when
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