4. Buddha: 'He is without breathing, he is not breathing, he is possessed of understanding, and he is not forming himself an understanding; know, O Todeyya, that such is the Muni, not possessing anything, not cleaving to lust and existence.' (1090) Todeyyamânavapukkhâ is ended.
1. For those who stand in the middle of the water,'-so said the venerable Kappa,—' in the formidable stream that has set in, for those who are overcome by decay and death, tell me of an island, O venerable man, and tell thou me of an island that this (pain) may not again come on1.' (1091) 2. For those who stand in the middle of the water, O Kappa,' so said Bhagavat,-' in the formidable stream that has set in, for those overcome by decay and death, I will tell thee of an island, O Kappa. (1092) 3. 'This matchless island, possessing nothing (and) grasping after nothing, I call Nibbâna, the destruction of decay and death2. (1093)
1 Tvañ ka me dîpam* akkhâhi Yatha yidam nâparam siyâ. 2 Akinkanam anâdânam Etam dîpam anâparam Nibbânam iti nam brumi Garâmakkuparikkhayam.
Akiñkanan ti kiñkanapatipakkham, anâdânan ti âdânapa/ipakkham, kiñkanâdânavûpasaman ti vuttam hoti. Commentator.
*B reads disam.
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