discerning (man) there is no Samkhâra ; abstaining from every sort of effort he sees happiness everywhere!
(953) 20. The Muni does not reckon himself amongst the plain, nor amongst the low, nor amongst the distinguished; being calm and free from a varice, he does not grasp after nor reject anything? (954)
Attadandasutta is ended.
16. SÂRIPUTTASUTTA. On Såriputta asking what a Bhikkhu is to devote himself to,
Buddha shows what life he is to lead. 1. Neither has before been seen by me,'—so said the venerable Sâriputta, -'nor has any one heard of such a beautifully-speaking master, a teacher arrived from the Tusita heaven.
(955) 2. ‘As he, the clearly-seeing, appears to the world of men and gods, after having dispelled all darkness, so he wanders alone in the midst (of people). (956)
3. 'To this Buddha, who is independent, unchanged, a guileless teacher, who has arrived in the world), I have come supplicatingly with a question from many who are bound in this world. (957)
4. 'To a Bhikkhu who is loath (of the world) and affects an isolated seat, the root of a tree or a cemetery, or (who lives) in the caves of the mountains,
(958) 1 Anegassa vigânato
N'atthi kâki nisamkhiti, Virato so viyârambhâ
Khemam passati sabbadhi. ? Comp. supra, Purâbhedasutta, vv. 15, 20.
s Atthi panhena âgamim=atthiko pañhena âgato 'mhîti atthikânam vâ pañhena atthi âgamanañ kā ti. Commentator.
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