Philosophers cannot lead to purity, they only praise themselves and stigmatise others. But a Brâhmana has overcome all dispute, he is indifferent to learning, he is appeased.
1. Those who abiding in the (philosophical) views dispute, saying, 'This is the truth,' they all incur blame, and they also obtain praise in this matter. (895)
2. This is little, not enough to (bring about) tranquillity, I say there are two fruits of dispute; having seen this let no one dispute, understanding Khema (i. e. Nibbâna) to be the place where there is no dispute. (896)
3. The opinions that have arisen amongst people, all these the wise man does not embrace; he is independent. Should he who is not pleased with what has been seen and heard resort to dependency 1? (?) (897) 4. Those who consider virtue the highest of all, say that purity is associated with restraint; having taken upon themselves a (holy) work they serve. Let us learn in this (view), then, his (the Master's) purity; wishing for existence they assert themselves to be the only expert2. (898) 5. If he falls off from virtue and (holy) works, he trembles, having missed (his) work; he laments, he
1 Yâ kâ' imâ sammutiyo puthuggâ Sabbâ va etâ na upeti vidvâ, Anûpayo so, upayam kim eyya Ditthe sute khantim* akubbamâno? 2 Sîluttama saññamenâhu suddhim, Vatam samâdâya upathitâse, Idh' eva sikkhema ath' assa suddhim, Bhavûpanîtâ kusalâ vadânâ.
So all the MSS.
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