13. If he according to another's report is low, then (he says) the other is also of a low understanding, and if he himself is accomplished and wise, there is not any fool amongst the Samanas? (890)
14. “Those who preach a doctrine (dhamma) different from this, fall short of purity and are imperfect,' so the Titthiyas say repeatedly, for they are inflamed by passion for their own (philosophical) views.
(891) 15. Here they maintain purity, in other doctrines (dhamma) they do not allow purity; so the Titthiyas, entering extensively (upon details), say that in their own way there is something firm. (892)
16. And saying that there is something firm in his own way he holds his opponent to be a fool; thus he himself brings on strife, calling his opponent a fool and impure (asuddhadhamma).
(893) 17. Standing in (his) resolution, having himself measured (teachers, &c.), he still more enters into dispute in the world ; but having left all resolutions nobody will excite strife in the world 2. (894)
Kulaviydhasutta is ended.
Parassa ke hi vakasâ nihîno Tumo* sahâ hoti nihînapañño, Atha ke sayam vedagu hoti dhîro Na koki bâlo samanesû atthi. 2 Vinikkhaye thatvâ sayam pamâya Uddham so lokasmim vivâdam eti,
Hitvẫna sabbani vinikkhayẫni Na medhakam kurute gantu loke. * So pi teneva. Commentator. Ved. tva (?).
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