10. KOKÂLIYASUTTA. Kokäliya abuses Säriputta and Moggallâna to Buddha; therefore
as soon as he has left Buddha, he is struck with boils, dies and goes to the Paduma hell, whereupon Buddha describes to the Bhikkhus the punishment of backbiters in hell. So it was heard by me:
At one time Bhagavat dwelt at Sâvatthi, in Getavana, in the park of Anathapindika. Then the Bhikkhu Kokâliya approached Bhagavat, and after having approached and saluted Bhagavat he sat down apart; sitting down apart the Bhikkhu Kokâliya said this to Bhagavat: 'O thou venerable one, Sariputta and Moggallâna have evil desires, they have fallen into the power of evil desires.'
When this had been said, Bhagavat spoke to the Bhikkhu Kokâliya as follows: '(Do) not (say) so, Kokaliya; (do) not (say) so, Kokâliya; appease, O Kokaliya, (thy) mind in regard to Sâriputta and Moggallana: Sâriputta and Moggallâna are amiable!'
A second time the Bhikkhu Kokâliya said this to Bhagavat: Although thou, O venerable Bhagavat, (appearest) to me (to be) faithful and trustworthy, yet Sâriputta and Moggallâna have evil desires, they have fallen into the power of evil desires.'
A second time Bhagavat said this to the Bhikkhu Kokâliya : '(Do) not (say) so, Kokâliya ; (do) not (say) so, Kokaliya; appease, O Kokaliya, (thy) mind in regard to Sâriputta and Moggallâna: Sâriputta and Moggallâna are amiable.'
A third time the Bhikkhu Kokâliya said this to Bhagavat: ‘Although thou, O venerable Bhagavat, (appearest) to me (to be) faithful and trustworthy,
Pesalâ ti piyasîlâ. Commentator.
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