exists, beings are bound by work as the linch-pin of the rolling cart (keeps the wheel on)? (654)
62. ‘By penance, by a religious life, by self-restraint, and by temperance, by this one is a Brâhmana, such a one (they call) the best Brâhmana.
(655) 63. He who is endowed with the threefold knowledge 2, is calm, and has destroyed regeneration,-know this, O Vasettha, -he is to the wise Brahman and Sakka.'
(656) This having been said, the young men Vâsettha and Bhâradvâga spoke to Bhagavaț as follows:
'It is excellent, Ovenerable Gotama! It is excellent, O venerable Gotama! As one raises what has been overthrown, or reveals what has been hidden, or tells the way to him who has gone astray, or holds out an oil lamp in the dark that those who have eyes may see the objects, even so by the venerable Gotama in manifold ways the Dhamma has been illustrated; we take refuge in the venerable Gotama, in the Dhamma, and in the Assembly of Bhikkhus; may the venerable Gotama receive us as followers (upâsaka), who from this day for life have taken refuge (in him).'
Vâsetthasutta is ended.
* Kammanâ vattatî loko,
Kammanâ vattatî pagâ, Kammanibandhanâ satta
Rathassânîva yâyato. · Tîhi viggâhi sampanno.
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