to the other shore of the Ganga. However ask, O friend, what thou pleasest.' Then the Yakkha Sukiloma addressed Bhagavat in a stanza :
1. What origin have passion and hatred, disgust, delight, and horror ? wherefrom do they arise ? whence arising do doubts vex the mind, as boys vex a crow?'
(269) 2. Buddha said: 'Passion and hatred have their origin from this (body), disgust, delight, and horror arise from this body; arising from this (body) doubts vex the mind, as boys vex a crow.
(270) 3. “They originate in desire, they arise in self, like the shoots of the banyan tree; far and wide they are connected with sensual pleasures, like the mâluvâ creeper spread in the wood.
(271) 4. 'Those who know whence it (sin) aríses, drive it away. Listen, O Yakkha! They cross over this stream that is difficult to cross, and has not been crossed before, with a view to not being born
(272) Sakilomasutta is ended.
ŞUTTA. The Bhikkhus are admonished to rid themselves of sinful persons,
and advised to lead a pure life. 1. A just life, a religious life, this they call the best gem, if any one has gone forth from house-life to a houseless life.
(273) 2. But if he be harsh-spoken, and like a beast delighting in injuring (others), then the life of such a one is very wicked, and he increases his own pollution.
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