The Yakkha Sâkiloma threatens to harm Buddha, if he cannot answer his questions. Buddha answers that all passions proceed from the body. So it was heard by me:
At one time Bhagavat dwelt at Gayâ (seated) on a stone seat in the realm of the Yakkha Sūkiloma. And at that time the Yakkha Khara and the Yakkha Sukiloma passed by, not far from Bhagavat. And then the Yakkha Khara said this to the Yakkha Sakiloma : 'Is this man a Samana ?'
Sūkiloma answered: 'He is no Samana, he is a Samanaka (a wretched Samana); however I will ascertain whether he is a Samana or a Samanaka.'
Then the Yakkha Sukiloma went up to Bhagavat, and having gone up to him, he brushed against Bhagavat's body. Then Bhagavat took away his body. Then the Yakkha Sukiloma said this to Bhagavat: 'O Samana, art thou afraid of me?'
Bhagavat answered : 'No, friend, I am not afraid of thee, but thy touching me is sinful.'
Sukiloma said: 'I will ask thee a question, O Samana; if thou canst not answer it I will either scatter thy thoughts or cleave thy heart, or take thee by the feet and throw thee over to the other shore of the Ganga.
Bhagavat answered: 'I do not see, O friend, neither in this world together with the world of the Devas, Mâras, Brahmans, nor amongst the generation of Samana and Brâhmanas, gods and men, the one who can either scatter my thoughts or cleave my heart, or take me by the feet and throw me over
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