Buddhists, vol. ii, p. lv. Bukkaraya, king, vol. xiv, p. xlii. Caste, four original, Ap. 1,1,3-7. Va.
II, 1. Ba. I, 16, 1. - three first or twice-born, Ap. II,
25, 13; 26, 4; 27, 8-15. Va.
II, 2-3. See Arya. - mixed, Ga. IV, 16–28. Va. XVIII.
Ba. I, 16, 6-17, 15. - change of, Ga. IV, 22-24. - duties of all, Va. IV, 5. - exclusion from, Ga. XX, 1-9. Va.
XV, 11-16. Ba. II, 1, 36. - origin of, Ga. IV, 24. Va. IV, 1-3.
Ba. I, 18, 1-6. - re-admission into, Ga. XX, 10-16.
Va. xv, 17-21. Central India, vol. ii, p. xxxii. Conduct, rule of, Va. VI, 1-9. - how settled, Ap. 1, 20, 1-9; II, - 29, 14. -pedance for violation of, Ga. XXV,
Connubial intercourse, duty of, Ap.
1, 32, 1-2; II, 1, 9, 16-2, 1. Ga. V, 1-2 ; IX, 28-29. Va. XII, 6-7,
21. Ba. I, 21, 18; IV, 1, 16-21. Coparcener, acquisition by, Ga.
XXVIII, 30-31. Countries, law of, Ap. II, 15, 1. Ga.
X1, 20. Va. I, 17. Ba. 1,2, 1-8. Cows, Ap. 1, 17, 30-31; 26, 1; 30,
20; 31, 8-12; II, 8, 5-7. Ga. VII, 8; IX, 12, 19, 23; X, 18; XVII, 30; XXII, 18; XXIII, 12. Va. IV, 8; VI, 11; XII, 9; XIV, 30, 45-46; XXI, 18; XXIII, 6.
Ba. II, 4, 18; 6, 17, 18, 30. . Crimes, classification of, Ap. I, 21,
7-19. Ga. XXI. Va. I, 19-23.
Ba. II, 2, 1, 12, 15. Cultivator, law affecting, Ap. II, 28,
I-2. Ga. 3, 24-25; XI, 2I. Custom, law of, Ap. II, 15, 1. Ga. XI,
20. Va. I, 17. •Ba. I, 2, 1-12. Daiva marriage, Ap. 11, 11, 19. Ga.iv,
9, 31. Va. I, 31. Ba. I, 20, 5. Dakshinâ. See Sacrificial fee. Damage, done by cattle, Ap. 11, 28,
5. Ga. XII, 19-26. Dancing, where to take place, Ap. II,
25, 4. Darsapürnamasa sacrifices, Ga. VIII,
19. Ba. II, 4, 23.
Dattaka. See Son adopted. Daughter, duty of marrying, Ga.
XVIII, 30–23. Va. XVII, 67-70.
Ba. IV, 1, 11-6. - crime of selling, Ap. II, 13, 11.
Va.1, 36-38. Ba.1, 21, 2-3; II,
2, 27. See Åsura marriage. - inherits from father, Ap. II, 14, 4. -- from mother, Ga. XXVIII, 24.
Va. XVII, 46. Ba, II, 3, 43. - mother inherits from, Ga. XXVIII,
- 25. - appointed, Ga. XXVIII, 18-19. Va.
XVII, 45-46. Ba. II, 3, 16. Daushyanta caste, Ga. iv, 16. Deaf man, free from taxes, Ap. II,
26, 16. Debts, Ga. XII, 40-41, Va. XVI, 31. - Bráhmana's three, Va. XI, 47-48.
Ba. II, 16, 4-8. Defamation, Ap. 1, 26, 3-4, 7; II,
27, 14. Ga. XII, 1, 8-14; XXI, 10, 17-18; XXIII, 27-28; XXV, 7. Va. XIX, 9; XXIII, 38-40,
Ba. II, 2, 33-34. Dekhan, Ba, 1, 2, 13. Deposits, Ga. XII, 42. Va. XVI, 18.
Ba. II, 2, 3. Desastha Brahmans, vol. ii, p. xxxi. Devapâla, vol. ii, p. xxxiii. Dharmasastra, Ga. XI, 19. - reading, a penance, Va. XXVII, 19. - rule for teaching, Va. XXIV, 6-7.
Ba. IV, 2, 9-10. Dhivara caste, Ga. IV, 19. Dhruvâ mode of life, Ba. III, 1, 16;
- 2, 7–10. Documents, Va. XV, 10, 14-15. Domestic priest, Ap. II, 10, 14-16.
Ga. XI, 12-17. Va. XIX, 3-6,
41-42. Ba. I, 18, 7-8. Dowry, Va. XIII, 53. Dravida, vol. ii, pp. xxv, xxxiv-xxxv. Dress, Ap. 1, 2, 39-3, 9; 15,1; 30,
10-14; II, 4, 21. Ga. I, 16-21; III, 18-19; IX, 3-6. Va. IX, I; X, 9-10; XI, 61-67; XII, 14, 38–39. Ba. I, 3, 14; 5, 6; 13, 4-10; II, 6, 39-40; 6, 39; 11,
15; 18, 44; 19, 21. Drinking spirituous liquor, Ap. 1,
21, 8. Ga. II, 20; XXI, 1. Ba.
1, 2, 4; 18, 18. - penance for, Ap. I, 25, 3, 10; 27,
10. Ga. XXIII, 10-12. Va. xx, 19, 22; XXVI, 5. Ba. II, 1, 18-23.
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