Bhalla?; va, Ga. **
xix, 15, &c. Va. XXII1, 33, &c.
Ba. 111, 10, 13, &c. Baudhayana, vol. ii, pp. XV-Xvi, xviii
xxiii; vol. xiv, pp. xxix-xlv. - age of, vol. ii, pp. xlix, li; vol.
xiv, p. xliii. - home of, vol. xiv, p. xli. - works of, vol. xiv, p. XXX. - quoted, Ba. I, 5, 13; 6,15; 7, 8;
II, 10, 14; III, 5, 7; 6, 13. Ba.
Par. VII, 4, 16. Baudhayanins (-iyas), vol. ii, p. xv;
vol. xiv, pp. xli-xlii. Begging, Ap. 1, 3, 25-4, 4; II, 10, 1-3.
Ga. II, 35-41 ; III, 14-15. Va. VII, 9; X1,68–70; XII, 2-3. Ba. 1, 3, 16-18; 5, 8-11; II, I1, 22;
18, 4-6, 14. Bestial crime, Ga. XXII, 36; XXIII,
12. Va. XXIII, 5-6. Bhâllavins, Va. I, 14-15. Ba. I, 2,
II-12. Bhâradvâga, vol. ii, pp. xvi, xxiii. Bhâradvàgins, vol. ii, p. xv. Bhavishyat-purâna, vol. ii, p. xxviii.
Ap. II, 24, 6. Bhikshu, vol. ii, p. lv. Ga. III, 2.
Ba. II, 11, 12. Bhrigyakantha caste, Ga. IV, 20. Blind man, excluded from inherit
ance, Ba. II, 3, 38. Bodhayana, vol. xiv, p. xliii. Boundary, Va. xv, 18. See Land. Brahmakûrka penance, Ba. iv, 5, 25. Brahmakârin. See Student. Brâhma marriage, Ap. II, 11, 17. Ga.
IV, 6, 33. Va. I, 30. Ba. I, 20, 2. - offspring of, Va. III, 19. Brahman, offering to. See Veda
study. - priest, Ba. I, 15, 21, 23. - slayers of, Ap. 1, 1, 27. Brâhmana, quoted, Ap. I, 9-10; 3,
9, 26; 7, 7, 11, IO, 8; 12, 1-, 10, 14; 17, 28; 11, 7, 15; 13, 6.
Ba. II, 11, 7. Brâhmana caste, duties, livelihood,
and occupations, Ap. 1, 18, 3-8, 13-15; 20, 19-21, 4; 29, 4. Ga. II, 20; VII, 4-23; VIII, I-11; IX, 1-6, 40. Va. II, 13-14, 23- 47; III, 1-11, 24; VI, 23, 25, 33-44; VIII, 17; X, 31; X1, 4548. Ba. I, 10, 24-30; 18, 2; 11,
2, 13, 16, 26-29; 3, 1; 4, 16-21. - special rules for initiation, .stu
dentship, impurity, &c., Ap. 1, 18, 21; 2, 33, 38, 40-41; 3, 28; 5, 16; 14, 23, 26. Ga. I, 5-6, 15-20, 22, 24, 26. Va. III, 26, 31; XI, 49, 52, 55, 58, 64, 67–
68, 71. Ba. I, 3, 1-15, 17. Brâhmana caste, rank and preroga
tives, Ap. I, 1, 3-4; 14, 25; 30, 20, 22; 31,6; II, 4, 16; 11, 5-6; 12, 5-8; 26, 10. Ga. V, 43-44; VIII, 12-13; IX, 12; X, 44; XI, 1, 7, 12-14; XIII, 26; XIV, 46; XVIII, 24-29. Va. I, 39-40, 4346; III, 14; VI, 11; XI, 13; XII, 28-30. Ba. I, 18, 1-11; II, 6,
30; 7, 38. -feeding of and gists to, Ap. II, 15,
12-13; 17, 4-22; 18, 10; 20, 3-4, 6; 25,11; 26, 1-2. Ga. V, 20-21; X,9; XV, 5, 7-14; XVIII, 31. Va. VI, 25, 30; VIII, 6; XI, 17-20, 27, 29. Ba. II, 5, 19; 11,
5; 14, 2-5. - property inherited by Brâhmanas
only, Ga. XXVIII, 41. Va.
XVII, 84-86. Ba. I, 13, 14. - punishments of, Ap. II, 26, 11-13,
17-19. Ga. XII, II, 16, 46-47.
Ba. I, 18, 17-18; II, 4, 1. - wives of, Va. I, 24-26. Ba. 1, 16, 2. - marriages lawful for, Ba. I, 20, 10. - murder of, Ap. I, 24, 7-25; 25,
II-12; 28, 21-29, 1. Ga. XXI, 1; XXII, 1-13; XXIV, 6–12. Va. XX, 23-28, 34, 37; XXV, 4. Ba. I, 18, 18-19; 19, 5; II, 1, 2-6;
IV, 1, 29; 2, 6-8. - other offences against, Ga. XXI,
17, 20-22; XXII, 28. Ba. II, 1,
7. See Srotriya. Brahmânvâdhâna rite, Ba. II, 17, 18
Bride, Va. XIII, 60. Bridegroom, Va. XI, 2. Ba. II, 6, 30. Brother, Ap. I, 14, 9. Ga. VI, 3, 8.
Ba. I, 3, 33. - inherits sister's fee, Ga. XXVIII,
25. — eldest inherits brother's estate,
Ga. XXVIII, 27. - younger brother sacrificing, mar
rying, &c, before elder, Ap. II, 12, 22. Ga, XV, 18; XVIII, 20. Va. I, 18; xx, 7-8. Ba. II, 1, 39-40; IV, 6, 7. See Sons, eldest, &c.
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