MI, 10.
Prasna III, Adhyâya 10. 1. The law of castes and of orders has been declared.
2. Now, indeed, man (in) this (world is polluted) by a vile action or acts wrongly, (e. g.) sacrifices for men unworthy to offer a sacrifice, accepts presents from those whose gifts ought not to be accepted, eats the food of those whose food ought not to be eaten, (and) practises what is forbidden.
3. They are in doubt if he shall perform a penance for such (a deed) or if he shall not do it.
4. (They declare that he shall not do it) because the deed does not perish.
5. (The correct opinion is) that he shall perform (a penance).
6. It is declared in the Veda, 'Let him offer a Punastoma; (those who offer it, may) again come to (partake of) the libations of Soma.'
7. 'He who offers a horse-sacrifice conquers all sin, he effaces the guilt of the murder of a Brâhmana.'
10. J. As stated formerly, Sacred Books of the East, vol. ii, p. li, this chapter is borrowed from Gautama XIX. I have therefore adopted the same division of the Sätras as in the translation of the latter work.
2. I read, with the MSS. of the commentary, atha khalvayam purusho yâpyena karmanâ mithyâ vâkaraty ayâgyam vâ yâgayaty apratigrâhyasya vâ pratigrihnâty anâsyânnasya vânnam asnâty akaranîyena vâkarati. M. reads yâgayitva, and the Dekhan MSS. yâgayitva and pratigrihya.
5. The Dekhan MSS. read kūryâd ity eva, M. kūryâd eva, and Govinda kuryât tv eva.
6. All the MSS. of the text omit the word vigñayate, it is declared in the Veda,' which is given by Govinda.
7. All the MSS. of the text give at the beginning of this Satra
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