NII, 9.
twelve (times), he gains thereby the world of Brihaspati.
14. If he recites the Samhita of the Veda another twelve (times), he gains thereby the world of Pragâpati.
15. If, fasting, he recites the Samhità one thousand (times), he becomes one with Brahman, resplendent like Brahman (and) Brahman (itself).
16. If he subsists during a year on food obtained by begging, he gains (the power of) supernatural vision.
17. If during six months he subsists on barleygruel, during four months on water and barley-flour, during two months on fruit, (and) during one month on water, or performs Krikkhra penances of twelve days, he (obtains the power of) suddenly disappearing, and sanctifies seven descendants, seven ancestors, and himself as the fifteenth, and (any) company (of Brâhmanas) which he may enter.
18. They call that the ladder of the gods.
19. By means of that the gods reached their divine station and the sages the position of Rishis.
20. The periods for beginning this sacrifice, forsooth, are three, the time of the morning libation, the time of the midday libation, and the last part of the night, (the Muhurta) sacred to Brahman.
21. Pragâpati, forsooth, proclaimed this (rite) to the seven Rishis, the seven Rishis to Mahâgagñu, and Mahâgagñu to the Brâhmanas.
18. Govinda explains nihsrenîm, the ladder,' by nihsreyasahetum, 'a cause of supreme bliss.
21. The name of the Rishi who proclaimed it to the Brâhmans is not certain. The Dekhan MSS. read Mahâgagru and Mahagagnu, M. Mahậgagñu, the I. O. copy of the commentary Mahayagñu and Mahâgagñu, and the Telugu copy Mahậgagñu.
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