II, 3, 6.
20. Cooked food (must be given) to other (beggars).
21. Let him eat (seated) in a pure, enclosed place, after having well washed his hands and feet and after having sipped water, respectfully receiving the food which is brought to him, keeping himself free from lust, anger, hatred, greed, and perplexity, (conveying the food into his mouth) with all his fingers and making no noise (during mastication).
Prasna II, ADHYÂYA 3, KANDIKÂ 6. 1. Let him not put back into the dish a remnant of food.
2. If he eats (food), containing meat, fish, or sesamum, he shall (afterwards) wash and touch fire,
3. And bathe after sunset.
4. Let him avoid a seat, clogs, sticks for cleaning the teeth, and other implements) made of Palâ sa wood.
20. Gautama V, 22.
21. Vasishtha XII, 19–20; Vishnu LXVIII, 46. "This is the rule for him who makes an offering to Âtman (i. e. performs the Prânâgnihotra at his meal).'—Govinda. See also below, II, 7, 12.
6. 1. I. e. he shall take up as much food only as he can swallow at one mouthful. -Govinda.
2. The Dekhan and Gugarât MSS., including K., add madhu, honey,' after sesamum.
3. This and the following six Sûtras are left out in M. and the two copies of the commentary. If they have, nevertheless, been received into the text, the reason is that similar rules occur in all Dharmasútras, and that Sotra 3 begins with astamite, while astamaye occurs in Sätra 10. It seems therefore probable that the writer of the MS. from which M. and Govinda's copies are derived, skipped over a line by mistake. 4-7. Vasishtha XII, 34-38.
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