II, 3, 5.
15. Or (if he cannot spare much), he may give a first portion (agrya) to a Srotriya.
16. It is prescribed that the division (of the food) shall be made without detriment to the interests of) those who daily receive a portion.
17. But he shall never eat without having given away (some small portion of the food).
18. Now they quote also two verses which have been proclaimed by the goddess of) food : ‘Him who, without giving me to the gods, the manes, his servants, his guests and friends, consumes what has been prepared and (thus), in his exceeding folly, swallows poison, I consume, and I am his death. But for him who, offering the Agnihotra, performing the Vaisvadeva, and honouring guests, eats, full of contentment, purity, and faith, what remains after feeding those whom he must support, I become ambrosia, and he (really) enjoys me.'
19. Presents of money must be given, according to one's ability, to good Brâhmanås, Srotriyas, and Vedapâragas, when they beg outside the Vedi, for the sake of Gurus, in order to defray (the expenses of) their marriages, or of medicine, or when they are distressed for a livelihood, or desirous to offer a sacrifice, or engaged in studying, or on a journey, or have performed a Visvagit sacrifice.
15. Vasishtha XI, 5. Govinda quotes a verse, according to which an agrya, 'first portion,' is equal to sixteen mouthfuls, each of the size of a peahen's egg.
16. Âpastamba II, 4, 9, 10-11. 'Those who daily receive a portion' (nityabhâktika), i.e. sons, wives, and so forth.-Govinda. But see also Âpastamba, loc. cit.
19. Gautama V, 20-21, and notes. "A good Brâhmana, i.e. one who follows the rule of conduct.'-Govinda.
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