II, 1, 2.
37. (Subsisting on) water, milk, clarified butter, (and) fasting,-each for three days,-(and taking the three fluids) hot, that is a Taptakrikkhra penance.
38. (Eating) during three days in the morning only, during the (next) three days in the evening only, (subsisting) during (another) three days (on) food given unasked, and fasting during three days, (that is) a Krikkhra penance.
39. (If the period of twelve days is divided into) three (periods of) four days, that is the Krikkhra penance of women, children, and aged men.
40. If (observing the rule given) above one eats (at each meal) so much only as one can take at one (mouthful), that is an Atikrikkhra penance.
41. (If one) subsists on water only, that is a Krikkhrâtikrikkhra, the third (in the order of the Krikkhra penances).
42. During a Krikkhra penance (the following rules must be followed, viz.) to bathe at morn, noon, and evening,
43. To sleep on the ground,
44. To wear one garment only, to shave the hair of the head, of the beard, and of the body, and to clip the nails.
45. The same (rules apply) to women except (that referring to) shaving the head.
37. Vasishtha XXI, 21.
38. Vasishtha XXI, 20. M. and the two MSS. of the commentary omit the word 'krikkhrah' at the end of the Satra. 39. Vasishtha XXIII, 43.
40. Vasishtha XXIV, 2. 41. Vasishtha XXIV, 3. Govinda gives another explanation of the word tritîyah, 'the third,' according to which it is to refer to the third tryahah, or period of three days.'
42-44. Vasishtha XXIV, 4-5.
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