II, 1, 2.
mortal sin (pâtaka) he may either give to a learned Brâhmana (anakâna) a hairy cow of brown or reddish colour, after sprinkling her with clarified butter and scattering black sesamum seeds over her ;
31. Or (he may offer burnt oblations), reciting the Kashmândas, during twelve days.
32. (Thus) he will be freed from the guilt (of any crime that is) less (heinous) than the murder of a learned Brâhmana.'
33. If one is accused of a mortal sin (pâtaka), a Krikkhra (penance must be performed by the accused).
34. The accuser (shall perform) that (Krikkhra penance during) a year.
35. 'He who during a year associates with an outcast, becomes (likewise) an outcast; not by sacrificing for him, by teaching him or by (forming) a matrimonial (alliance with him), but by using the same carriage or seat.'
36. The penance for eating impure substances is to fast until the entrails are empty. That is attained in seven (days and) nights.
31. Regarding the efficacy of the Kůshmânda texts, see e.g. Gautama XIX, 12 ; XXII, 36.
33. Vasishtha XXIII, 37-38. 34. Vasishtha XXIII, 39. 35. Vasishtha I, 22.
36. Apastamba I, 9, 27, 3-4; Vasishtha XXIII, 30. I follow here the Gugarât and Dekhan MSS., which read amedhyaprasane prâyaskittir naishpurishyam tat saptarâtrenâvâpyate. M. and the two MSS. of the commentary give amedhyaprâsane prâyaskittam and leave the remainder out. The commentary states that the penance intended is the Taptakrikkhra, described in the next Sûtra. The parallel passages of Âpastamba and others leave no doubt that the northern MSS. in this case have preserved the older form of the text.
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